Welcome to Nico Tortorella Online, your ultimate online resource for American actor Nico Tortorella who is best known for his role as Josh on TV Land's 'Younger' series. We aim to provide you with all the latest news, images & so much more on Nico. Feel free to bookmark us and follow us on Twitter for our latest updates!

Do you have a question about the site that is not answered here? Simply send us an e-mail.

Is this Nico’s official website?
No, this is merely a fan site dedicated to him and his work. This is a website run by fans for fans. He doesn’t currently have an official website.

Are you Nico?
We are NOT Nico Tortorella or any of his co-stars, family members, agents or friends.

Are you affiliated with him in anyway?
Unfortunately, we are in no way affiliated with Nico, his agencies, co-stars, family members, agents or friends.

Do you know Nico?
I have never met Nico, unfortunately, therefore I do NOT know him in person.

Has Nico ever visited this site?
Yes, Nico regularly visits the site and posts pictures from the gallery to his Instagram account.

Can I use your pictures for my site?
If you plan to take and use pictures from our website or image archive, all we ask is for credit back to Nico-tortorella.com as we spend a lot of time and money providing the images and news we post here.

Can I use the pictures for fanart, icons, or wallpapers?
Of course! Please also feel free to donate icons you created and we will post up in our Icon Archive with credit to you.

Can I email you stuff/or ask questions directly to you?
If for any reason you wish to contact me, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Social Networks
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay connected with the latest news, photos and so much more on Nico Tortorella.

‘All Of It Is You’ Poetry Book

A debut poetry collection from actor Nico Tortorella exploring “all of it,” from the smallest cells in our bodies to the outer limits of our universe.

Amazon USA   Amazon UK

The Love Bomb
Actor Nico Tortorella explores love and the labels associated with it. An At Will Radio Production.
  iTunes        Photos        Official
Current Projects

Role: Josh

A newly single, 40-year-old mother tries to get back into the working world with her friends’ help.


Role: Matt

The story of ten millennials living in New York City whose sexual lives intersect in the age of social media – where likes, impressions, and virtual “connections” threaten the very notion of personal relationships and human intimacy.


Site Statistics
  • nico-tortorella.com
  • Michele - September 2nd 2009
  • Gemma - October 2nd 2014
  • admin@nico-tortorella.com

  • Please note: I do not post paparazzi stalking pictures or post rumours. We are here to support Nico through his career. His personal life is his own business.